Man sitting on bench viewing his laptop

Sharecare Health and Wellness

Members can take control of their health with the Sharecare wellness app. Sharecare provides information and resources that can help improve a member’s physical and mental health. The experience starts by taking the RealAge Test to get a measure of the true age of their body in terms of health and vitality, versus their calendar age. The program then delivers personalized insights, challenges, daily tracking, and one-of-a-kind tools to help reduce their RealAge and live healthier, no matter where they are in their health journey. Members can learn what they need to be healthier with tips on how to eat better, exercise smarter, reduce stress, and more.

Female on computer

RealAge Test Health Assessment

Sharecare’s health assessment evaluates a variety of behaviors and existing conditions to calculate the body’s true age. For users, this is their first step toward optimizing their health. They are armed with information about how lifestyle choices can help them stay younger—or age faster—than their chronological age. After completing the RealAge® test, members will be able to manage their health profile, get personalized recommendations, and receive expert guidance to stay supported and motivated.

Young man on phone

Lifestyle Coaching

A health coach provides members support to help them achieve their health goals. Offered via phone, coaches address lifestyle and behavior changes for health improvement. Life can get so busy that it’s sometimes easy to lose sight of our personal health goals. Having extra support and encouragement can make a difference in actually achieving those goals. As part of our wellness program, members have access to Lifestyle Coaching through Sharecare.

*Available to groups with 100+ employees or more that have Lifestyle Coaching through Sharecare. Lifestyle Coaching is not available for Medicare supplement members or FEP members. Availability of services and programs may vary. Certain coaching programs, have eligibility requirements. Programs are provided by an independent company who has contracted with BCBSAZ to provide specific services to Blue members

Female measuring herself

Healthy Living Programs*

The Healthy Living Programs offer online resources and tools to help members manage chronic health conditions, take charge of their personal and family health, and understand ways to live healthy.

* Program provided by an independent company contracted with BCBSAZ to provide specific services to Blue members.

Male and pregnant female

Fertility, Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBSAZ) brings members a new suite of resources that support families throughout the entire parenthood journey. Available through the Sharecare experience, members can enroll in the fertility, pregnancy, or parenting program, then download the Ovia Health app that’s right for them. Members will have access to expert content, health insights tailored to your unique needs, and unlimited one-on-one health coaching with a dedicated well-being team of experts.

Walking World logo


The program allows participants to track their steps and activities and set personal wellness goals online. Program participation is not restricted to members and is open to non-Blue members as well. The website includes tips and resources to help participants stay motivated so they can reach their personal fitness goals.

Visit WalkingWorks website

Blue365 - because health is a big deal

Blue365® Discounts*

Members can take advantage of exclusive deals with savings from top health and wellness brands. Discounts are offered on weight-loss programs, health and fitness clubs, healthy travel experiences, and so much more.

Blue365 offers savings on items that members may purchase directly from independent vendors.

*Discounted services and/or products are provided by independent contractors who are solely responsible for services and/or products provided to eligible members. These contractors do not provide BCBSAZ products or services.

Team of doctors

Chronic Condition Management (aka Disease Management)*

One out of every five members has at least one chronic health condition such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, or COPD – and many members have more than one. If left untreated, these can escalate into greater health risks.

Members with a chronic condition have programs and resources available to help them better manage their condition. These programs provide the support they need – when they need it – at no additional cost to them.

Female doctor in office

Nurse On Call*

Members can connect with a nurse 24/7 to get answers to questions about symptoms they are experiencing, minor illnesses and injuries, medical tests, or preventive care, as well as suggestions for next steps based on their situation.

* Nurse On Call  Nurse On Call is available to eligible members. Members under age 18 must obtain parental consent prior to using the services. Services and treatment options presented may not be covered under your BCBSAZ benefit plan. Please review your benefits or contact BCBSAZ at 602-864-4400 or 1-800-232-2345 prior to receiving non-emergent services. Certain services are provided by an independent third party contracted with BCBSAZ to provide health enhancement services to BCBSAZ members.

Female technician with file

Care Management*

Whether our members need to manage a chronic condition, transition home from a hospital stay, or require special care related to transplant surgery, we have programs and services to meet them wherever they are on their healthcare journey. By helping members better manage their health, they are able to manage their daily activities, be productive at work, and reduce their healthcare costs.

* Availability of services and programs will vary. Some programs may not be available to all members.

BlueCare Anywhere

BlueCare AnywhereSM Telehealth

BlueCare Anywhere gives members the advantage of flexible, affordable, and convenient healthcare with the BlueCare Anywhere telehealth app. When a member doesn’t have a regular doctor or their primary care provider isn’t available, they can visit with a provider, counselor, or psychiatrist any day, any time—from their smartphone, computer, or tablet. Providers can help with a range of common illnesses, aches, and pains. They can also prescribe medication, if necessary.

Download the BlueCare Anywhere mobile app or visit

Female doctor putting bandaid on a woman's arm

Other Services

  • In addition to a personal physician, flu and pneumonia shots may also be available to eligible members at sites contracted with BCBSAZ as network providers. Coverage is subject to a member’s benefit plan.
  • Mobile On-Site Mammography (MOM), a BCBSAZ contracted network provider, offers screening mammograms at various community locations to BCBSAZ female members age 35 and older. Some restrictions apply. Members should contact BCBSAZ at the number on the back of your insurance ID card for details. Coverage is subject to a member’s benefit plan.